Topics Advertising and Marketing Fishing For Clients - Before You Call That Direct Mail Lawyer, Read This!"Thinner. Lighter. Faster." It's all about the words you use!My "Call To Action" Is Hidden - but you can find it at "Contact" Assistance of Counsel Second Degree Murder Charges DismissedI remember thinking, “I’m going to blog every day.” Nice Dream!Back in the Saddle - an overview after a year as the Federal Defender Autism Strong Words from a Former Investigator about the Death Penalty Civil Rights Scandalous: Ruby Ridge Episode 1Stand Your Ground - when, where and who?"Officers threw him to the ground, got on top of him and shot him dead!" Civil Trial Practice Save that story for your lawyer!Tamarack Explosion and Fire Case SettledStart with Bias and Prejudice - your story must deal with these or you lose! Completely Off Topic It's Friday - Say Yes To Everything!Half That Big Lottery To "Not Yet Ex Spouse?" You Gotta' Regret Not Signing Those Divorce Papers!Cd'A Triathlon and Ride Idaho Constitutional Law Your Right To Carry A Firearm in IdahoScandalous: Ruby Ridge Episode 1Arresting Development - that warrantless misdemeanor arrest may violate the protections of the constitution Crime Victims Scandalous: Ruby Ridge Episode 1"Officers threw him to the ground, got on top of him and shot him dead!"Win Your Case - go to trial if there is no other way out! Criminal Defense Strong Words from a Former Investigator about the Death PenaltySecond Degree Murder Charges DismissedSave that story for your lawyer! Death Penalty Strong Words from a Former Investigator about the Death Penalty Domestic Violence "I'm not trying to be respectful. I'm trying to win." Johnnie Cochran. DUI Beware the prescription drug DUI - get a lawyer to win your caseThat "Fog Line" is Actually Part of the Lane - DUI Case Reversed!Should You Refuse The Breathalyzer? Evidence Save that story for your lawyer!There's A Problem With DNA Testing At Crime Labs - They Often Get It Wrong. Federal Sentencing Save that story for your lawyer!I remember thinking, “I’m going to blog every day.” Nice Dream!Federal Prisons Are A Terrible Place to Live and An Even Worse Place To Wait For Death! Firearms Back in the Saddle - an overview after a year as the Federal DefenderYour Right To Carry A Firearm in IdahoThree things I learned or confirmed from last week's self-defense ACQUITTAL Fraud DBSI Convictions - Fraud Allegations Drive EmotionsJust One Tool - Protecting Your Sixth Amendment RightsFederal Sentencing Guidelines Unfairly Punish "Fraud" Hire a Lawyer I remember thinking, “I’m going to blog every day.” Nice Dream!Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers In America and Martindale-Hubbell AV PreeminentStart with Bias and Prejudice - your story must deal with these or you lose! Idaho Appellate Decisions Idaho's Civil Action For Victims Of Sexual Abuse Not Applied RetroactivelyNo Retroactivity For Six Sentenced To Death In IdahoDid I say the Idaho Supreme Court never grants relief? Say it ain't so! Juvenile Law NY Times Says Idaho Dead Last at Protecting Juvenile RecordsYour Misdemeanor Case Matters - Juvenile Cases Matter Too!More Expungement Info from Courtney Peterson - This Time It's All About Juveniles Mac Loving Trial Lawyers "Thinner. Lighter. Faster." It's all about the words you use!9th Circuit Says Intent to Defraud is the Intent to CheatScott McKay Finally Found He Had Been Slighted Marijuana There's a problem if you buy CBD oil in Idaho - it may be a crime.Idaho's Marijuana Laws Are Tough! News Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers In America and Martindale-Hubbell AV PreeminentWhen May Officers Use Deadly Force? The answer may confound you!On Slate Now - Standoff - Ruby Ridge Revisited Politics When May Officers Use Deadly Force? The answer may confound you!On Slate Now - Standoff - Ruby Ridge RevisitedThere's a problem if you buy CBD oil in Idaho - it may be a crime. Search and Seizure Arresting Development - that warrantless misdemeanor arrest may violate the protections of the constitutionIdaho Supreme Court Rules Admission and Drugs Inadmissible After Pat-Down SearchCops Can't Search Cell Phone Without Warrant Self-defense Second Degree Murder Charges DismissedSave that story for your lawyer! Sexual Assault Victims You May Be Entitled To Recover Damages For Sexual Harassment In IdahoIn Boise - Jury Awards Sex Abuse Victim $1.9 MillionSexual Assault Victims Can Sue Trial Lawyers College Your Story is Your Only Hope - So start listening to Serial on PBSAnd now a word about blogging - BACK!Let's Talk About Objections - Practical Tips Trials Back in the Saddle - an overview after a year as the Federal DefenderThree things I learned or confirmed from last week's self-defense ACQUITTALTamarack Explosion and Fire Case Settled Uncategorized Charged with a crime? Here’s what to expect as the case begins.Back in the Saddle - an overview after a year as the Federal DefenderThe Decision Maker - convincing 12 people of anything is nearly impossible!