I just spent a few minutes watching this video from a former investigator who has spent his last 20 years carrying the doubt of whether he and the other officers investigating the death of a child got it right. They didn’t. An Autistic father is on death row because nobody knew of his developmental disabilities, his daughters medical issues or the lack of scientific validity to shaken baby syndrome. Unless the Court system intervenes, Robert Robinson will die in Texas for a murder he is almost certainly not guilty of committing. His baby daughter likely died from natural and accidental causes.

The video is compelling. Brian Barton is no longer a detective. Years ago he traded the badge for the ministry. Robert Robinson is scheduled to die on October 17. He is an adult with Autism. His seeming failure to care for his dying daughter at the hospital led police to believe he had killed her. They were, in Barton’s words, almost certainly wrong.

“We need to abolish the death penalty. Humans are too fallible to do this fairly. We make mistakes. I made a big mistake. It’s a weight I will carry for the rest of my life.” Brian Barton

Go here to see for yourself.

Our system of justice does not always get to the truth. We fail as people, even when we do the best we can. And when you add in the complications of a disability – the complexity of flat appearance and an inability to communicate effectively by a person with Autism – the system cannot reliably determine guilt or innocence. Jurors may see a person detached from the severity of the suspected crime. They may see someone who cannot or will not make eye contact. They may take the behavior as evidence of guilt.

If you have a loved one with Autism Spectrum Disorder who is facing criminal charges, make certain you find an attorney who understands the disability and who can help you in your search for justice. And please take the time to watch the video.