Once in a while a lawyer blogger needs to talk about something besides lawyering – so I confess: I am a Mac, not a PC. Truth is I have always used Macs to make it easier to organize for trial. I think I am a better lawyer because I have an easier time with the technology. I am not alone – consider Ben Stevens’ post in The Mac Lawyer – one of the most popular law blogs in the nation. Apparently our new President, his VP, the Russian Prez and Swedish Foreign Minister are all Macs. If you’re a PC don’t worry about it – it’s the work, not the computer that makes you a great lawyer. Lots of America’s top lawyers are PCs including some of my best friends, but the Mac just gives you a little different feel when it comes to representing your clients. If you’re a client or a potential client – rest easy. Technology is a great thing and defense lawyers are generally years ahead of the prosecutors when it comes to technology.
NOW the point to all of this – your case is your story, which is your case! And the lawyer who can use the computer to help tell your story is the lawyer you want to fight for you.